2017… A New Year, A New You.

Say goodbye to 2016 and hello to 2017! With all the shit, we went through this last year a new beginning is definitely welcome. 

Make this the year YOU start making YOU a priority. Learning how to stand on your own two feet without depending on someone or something to make you happy. Letting go of all that no longer suits you. Sometimes this includes people. And that’s ok! You are the most important person in your life and reclaiming your “personal power” is going to be the highlight of 2017. A year of clarity and self-realization. 

I get asked all the time "How do I sharpen my own intuition; how do I get in touch with my inner self?" You start by slowly listening to that little voice inside of you. By doing so, you increase your awareness and sensitivity to it. With that being said, you have to be willing to face reality. Even the bad shit. Its fear that forces you to stay where you’re at. Your unwillingness to let go of fear and insecurity inhibits the necessary changes you need in order to evolve and grow. Its time to face your fears! Remove anything or anyone that is hindering you from living the life you truly want to live. This is absolutely crucial in your personal evolution. The freedom and clarity you gain is invaluable. 

Mastering the ability to tap into your intuition allows you to become the source of your own happiness. After all, who knows you better than you? So what if you fall a couple of times?  Practice makes perfect. And that’s the goal, to become the perfect you! 

Make 2017 the year you reclaim your power.

Best wishes for all in 2017.